I am listening to the AC/DC two-disc live set from 1992 in my cubicle, iPod earbuds snugly in place. This is dangerous music in corporate America. It makes me want to sail down the hallways in my rolling office chair. It makes me want to stand on the giant Xerox printer and jump off. It makes me want to use staplers as percussion instruments.
In truth, these are some of the most Neanderthal-like and misogynistic of all lyrics in a genre that is filled with swill. I have no excuse, except for Angus Young. But I'm telling you, there's something about those power chords. No drugs. Just sex, sex and rock 'n roll. And power chords.
Don't hurt yourself.
Mark K
For Those About To Rock, We Salute You.......Fill in the cannon blasts where appropriate..
Aw, c'mon...misogynist? You don't think "Girl's Got Rhythm" is a statement of female empowerment?
After all, we're talking about a woman here with the strength to "stop a freight train" and the political influence to "start the Third World War."
My iPod's exercise playlist has a number of AC/DC tunes because I haven't found much that's better for energizing me in those last 20 minutes on the treadmill...
Amen, brother!
I won AC/DCs "Plug Me In" DVD box set at a recent bachelor party 50/50 drawing. I skipped the booze chioces and didn't look back. It rocks. Period. The Young brothers are genius I tell you. Blistering blues rock with red-hot amp tube distortion + songs about three things: hot chicks, toughness, and rockin' out.
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