Two of my favorite people in the universe -- my daughter Rachel and my sister Libby -- have recently discovered lumps under their arm. This is cause for concern. Rachel's are apparently due to swollen lymph nodes; a pain, to be sure, but relatively benign and very treatable. Libby is not so fortunate. Libby is a breast-cancer survivor, and the past ten years have been a roller coaster ride of chemo and radiation treatments, nausea, fear, hope, joy, and the final felicitous pronouncement of the cure. Now it appears she has another type of cancer. We won't know much information for a few days, but she is undergoing a biopsy today. Please pray for her. This makes me sick, and very sad. God, I hate cancer.
We will be praying for both of them! Cancer does suck (that is putting it nicely).
I sincerely regret your family having to address/re-address this and am certainly praying. With the given nature of the crappiness this life sometimes dishes out, I do not know how people without faith can even attempt to navigate it constructively.
Prayers for both. And a cross-stitch.
Or just click.
I hear you Andy and am praying. Cancer really does suck.
Damnit, Andy.
Friends, I deeply appreciate your prayers. And Gary, I also can't imagine going through life's crap without the Lord. I surely don't want the suffering, but it's clear to me that suffering with the Lord in it is better that not being with Him.
Love you Andy.
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