Friday, July 12, 2019

Bye, Beetle

The last new VW Beetle rolled off the assembly line today.

Say what you will (and car enthusiasts will say a lot of things), but I love mine. I'm glad I own one, and I will thumb my nose at the naysayers. I've owned a bunch of cars; blue, grey and silver ones from Honda and Toyota, mostly, that got good mileage and stellar reviews from Consumer Reports. They were fine to the extent that I thought about them, which was seldom.

We purchased an orange VW Beetle convertible last summer, and it's the first car I've ever enjoyed. I like its rounded design, which suits me well. I like the fact that it's orange. I like the fact that the dashboard is orange. I like the fact that the top goes down and the wind blows through my thinning hair. I like all of it.

But I liked VW Beetles in the '60s, too. I was just too sensible to buy one before 2018. Thank God for irrationality.

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