John started it. But this one gets my vote. It's got the whole package -- the smoldering insouciance, the come-hither bedroom eyes, the flute thrust provocatively over the shoulder, the chest hair, and the receding hairline.
The seventies were a dire decade. No one -- especially perfectly respectable flautists -- should be subjected to these things.
Thank God it DOESN'T actually have the whole package. Or at least thank God for the designer who cropped the photo to avoid showing the package.
Yeah. This one is awful. I honestly don't know what the hell people are thinking. This isn't an instance of an image being 'dated.' This thing sucked the day it was born.
If by "worst" you mean "GREATEST", then i concur.
don't forget the title when you list the whole package.
I bought my husband THE herb albert cover with the girl covered in whipped cream. He said it was one that he remembers trying not to get caught looking at when he went by it in the drug store with his mother.
In one of the weird coincidences in life, this is the second time that Herb Alpert cover has come up in conversation I've had today. I like it slightly better than the cover for "Clam Dip and Other Delights": http://amazon.com/o/ASIN/B0000018VF/ref=s9_asin_image_1/102-2735171-7240124?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-3&pf_rd_r=01CHEHJF5GDXPJ6FV4NV&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=288448601&pf_rd_i=507846
Are you sure those are come-hither bedroom eyes?
To me the look says, "I can't believe I let that art director talk me into this, and when this session is over I'm going to ram this flute up his ..."
Sorry to chime in late on this one, but I just stumbled across this blog.
The original LP had a die-cut cover where the orange title appears. The orange was actually a velvety bit, like '70s wallpaper, imprinted with a rendering of a woman giving birth (side view). Hence, "Push Push."
But yes, this cover is still unnerving on almost every level.
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