Monday, January 05, 2009

Barney Ruble Leaves the Midwest

My daughter Rachel will be studying in Moscow the second half of her junior year of college, which is a little more than a year away. This gives me time for a healthy start on the Tolstoy/gnome beard, and for us to save up for the trip, because when your kid is in Russia, plotting the overthrow of capitalism, you have to go. That is, if I still have a job. I think we'll try to visit St. Petersburg as well, and probably Prague and Bucharest since we're sorta in the neighborhood. Blini. Borscht. Onion domes. Da.


  1. Wow. I just got back from a term in Russia (I studied in Vladimir, a couple of hours to the east of Moscow). What kind of program is she going with? Might be similar to the one I was with.

    Petersburg is a great city, definitelty worth seeing.

  2. She's working on an International Studies/Political Science double major, with a focus on, you guessed it, Russia.

  3. And she'll be doing this through a study abroad program through her university (Ohio University). It's still a long way off, so we don't have many details. She's definitely planning to go (and needs to go for her major), but the logistics are fairly fuzzy at this point.

  4. Anonymous3:59:00 PM

    Congrats to her.

    I'm leaving for Russia to study in a little over a week. I'll be in Nizhny for most of the time.

    I'll be reading your blog while I'm over there.

  5. Anonymous5:06:00 PM

    Please let me know if you need any help in Moscow, I grew up there (and things are not exactly how they are pictured on American TV).

    Also please know that it is one of the most expensive cities in the world nowadays.
