Thursday, January 18, 2007

Music Headine of the Week

The music publicists are working overtime. Here it is:

Lesbian Comes Out This Spring

(for the April release of the debut album from Seattle heavy metal band Lesbian -- four flannel-shirted, bearded dudes, by the way)


  1. Anonymous7:23:00 PM

    I have to say, I find Fanatic's emails the most obnoxious of the promo companies. The subject lines are way too long ... and usually too silly.

  2. Anonymous12:21:00 PM

    They do seem to get a tad over-excited about their releases at times, don't they?

  3. I guess I view it all as normal music-PR-speak. Every week I receive 10 - 15 life-changing albums that will alter the course of western civilization. And then the following week I do it all over again.
