Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Pop Quiz

In the past seven days, more soldiers and civilians have died in:

a) Israel and Lebanon than in Iraq
b) Iraq than in Israel and Lebanon


  1. Anonymous12:51:00 PM

    Well, since unofficial counts have civilian deaths in Iraq averaging almost 100per day, I'd say "b", Andy.

    But maybe we can add door number "c"(Darfur). You can't make it a good death count show, without a third door.

    You can't say ethic cleansing doesn't count simply because neither side has missles.

    You're not being fair though. Seven days is not a good measuring stick... give Israel and Lebanon time to catch up.

    "Over here, over here. My eyes are shot, but my vision's clear." -- John Gorka

  2. yeah, i'm gonna go w/ everything jackscrow said up there.

    news is what sells, though, andy.
