Friday, August 31, 2007

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Ohio State Football

T-minus 24 hours until the start of another wacky season in Buckeye football land, and the team's first two games are officially in limbo (does that still exist, or did the Catholic Church relabel it the Big Ten Network?). Oh, they'll be played all right. It's just that if you're not one of the lucky 110,000 sitting inside the Horseshoe, you won't be able to see them. That's because the B10N still has not reached an agreement with any central Ohio cable providers. Last year all 12 Ohio State regular season games were televised by ABC/ESPN. They were free ("free" being a relative term meaning that they were part of the basic cable package). Most were shown in high definition. This year we have the privilege of paying extra for a premium cable service that currently no one can receive, to watch games that currently cannot be broadcast in high definition even if some cable company miraculously steps in and works out an eleventh-hour deal. Somebody explain to me again just why this is a good thing ...

What if they invented a new network and nobody came? One can dream.


scott said...

There is no explanation as to why this is "good" because it isn't.
It's just greed.

Mike G said...

Same situation here in south central Michigan. No Michigan or Michigan State (go Spartans!) games. Plus, what about those of us who don't subscribe to cable or some dish network? Local stations used to pick up the ESPN or ESPN2 feed, but I get the impression they won't be able to pick up the B10N feed.


Anonymous said...

we don't have cable anyways, so most of our games were listened to on the radio.

yeah, it's ridiculous though. i'm wondering how long the BTN will be around if cable companies won't pick them up.

at least all the games this year aren't on BTN

Anonymous said...

The same thing is happening all across the Big 10. To see the Penn State game on Saturday, you need to go to the game. Seems to me that the only people benefiting from the BTN are the ticket scalpers.

Anonymous said...

I have Dish Network. The only reason I will be able to see Michigan's season opener tomorrow is because I will be at the game. I just hope Michigan has the great season they are supposed to have, so that most of their games will be on network tv!

Andy Whitman said...

Sparky, this is a holiday weekend, so I'm feeling gracious and forgiving and all, but let it be noted that you have just used up your one "I just hope Michigan has the great season they are supposed to have" reference you have been allotted on this blog.

Anonymous said...

don't have to worry about that anymore :)

Anonymous said...

well, so much for that season. i'm sick and disgusted at what transpired at the Big House today. it is a weird feeling, knowing i was there for a history making game, but that history being something i wish i could forget. please commence with the beating andy. i'm sure that ohio is rejoicing immensely on this dark day. i think i'm going to go puke now. . .

Andy Whitman said...

Sparky, I feel for you, Buddy. We Buckeye fans love to watch our team whomp on the Wolverines. But we love it when both teams come into the big game 11 - 0, and most Buckeye fans would admit a grudging respect for the U of M. I'm not going to rub it in. I can't imagine how badly that first game must go down.

jackscrow said...

I listen on the radio, unless it's the UofM game, or a bowl. Part of my personal tradition.

On the UofM upset:

I was driving into Athens for Shrimp to make a salad for supper (goes really good with Bloody Mary), and I heard that Mike Hart had run them ahead.

Then about five minutes later I heard that ASU had blocked the field-goal to win....

Gotta admit, I really loved it. Almost put my fist through the dash-board of the ol' jeep. Gave a whoop or two. Maybe three.

Then I had two thoughts, admittedly a lot for a Buckeye:

First, I hope Lloyd doesn't have a heart attack or stroke.

And second, this can't be good for the Big-10.

Addtionally, I was very disappointed with the O-Line and running game.

The Power-O formation is about 10 years past it's prime. The running plays take way too long to hit the line.

When we can't push around a 1-AA team we are in trouble.

This worries me. A lot.

Sorry for going so far afield.