Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Grammys

I do it, and I hate myself in the morning. I know it's going to be insipid, and then it is, and I kick myself for being sucked in.

What does it say about an annual awards show that bestows five little phonograph statues on an album released two calendar years before the ceremony? Counting, what a great life skill.

I predict great things for this hot new band The Rolling Stones at next year's Grammys.

In my defense, I didn't watch all of it, but I did watch snippets. It's like rubbernecking as you pass a car wreck. You don't want to look, but the prospect of juicy carnage draws you in. This year the most notable carnage occurred during a Jay-Z, Paul McCartney, and Linkin Park collaboration on Paul's old Beatles chestnut "Yesterday," surely one of the most surreal moments in musical history. Yesterday, word, all my troubles seemed so far away. Unh. Unh. Truly bizarre. Maybe next year we can witness a 50 Cent, Marilyn Manson and Debbie Boone collaboration on "You Light Up My Life."

The horror. The horror.


Anonymous said...

What does it say about an annual awards show that bestows five little phonograph statues on an album released two calendar years before the ceremony? Counting, what a great life skill.

it's fairly simple. grammy awards this year were from the period from 10/1/04 - 9/30/05. i don't know why they just don't go by calendar years, but they don't. it would be simpler.

nonetheless, that album definitely deserved the 5 trophies it received, don't you think?

Andy Whitman said...

Mike, sure, U2 deserved the awards, and I'm glad they won.

But I don't know why the Grammys can't get it right and reward the albums at the appropriate times. For U2, that would have been last year's ceremony, February of 2005. Music magazines seem able to handle albums that are released late in the year in their annual "Best of" lists. It can't be that tough. And it seemed odd to be celebrating an album that is now well over a year old.

John McCollum said...

I am SO counting the days until July 5, 2006.

mommy zabs said...

I feel the same way about the grammy's.
It bugs me that so very few artists are honored when there are so many other incredible acts out there. It's always a couple artists that take home most the awards. All political. Not saying the people that one are not great... just there are other greatnesses out there too...
and what was up with the Kanye/ Jamie Foxx act... that was absurd... they took a catchy radio friendly song and made it... absoultely awkward

chelsea said...

although i have to say i THOROUGHLY enjoyed paul's helter skelter. i usually cringe when paul performs lately... but he made me relax a little on that one.

Andy Whitman said...

John, is that THE day? You have a date?!?!

If that's the date I think it is, I am really, really happy for you.

John McCollum said...

Oh, Andy, I wish it was.

July 5, 2006 will mark one year from the release of a certain album that has already won more than its share of acclaim.

Sorry to get your hopes up; I was just trying to be snarky.

That having been said, I will let you all know in a more specific fashion when the actual date arrives.

Anonymous said...

I thought Bruce was the most incredible performance of the night, but maybe it's just because I'm a folksinger at heart. :) I was captivated, never having heard that song, and I've listened to it about 20 times today.

I also found it uncanny how much he looked like Bob Dylan last night...

Anyway, that song and John Legends solo piano redeemed the evening to me...I learned about 2 new songs I like, which for me is a good use of an evening. :)

Amanda Anderson

mommy zabs said...

bruce totally looked like bob dylan!

Anonymous said...

Andy, your comments make me glad that I was traveling during the Grammy broadcast, because I know I would have been sucked in and hated myself afterward. At least U-2 is worthy of recognition, even if a tad late. I still remember a Grammy broadcast when people like Bruce, U-2, The Police, The Clash, etc. were making music, and the big Grammy winner was Kenny Loggins for Footloose. The horror...